
former freelance journalist/author for:
advertorials/content creation for:

Adidas | Aevor | Amazon | Berliner Pilsner | Bikini Berlin | BIOSpitzenköche | Bulleit | Bumble | Cheesus | Deutsche Bahn | Don Papa Rum | Dopper | Gerolsteiner | Groupon | Kayak | Marshall Amps | Milka | Mumm Sekt | Our / Berlin | Strongbow | Superdry | Tylko | Vio | WeWork | Wrigley | Zalando

food & interior for:

BBB Burger | Delabuu Ice Cream | Flockys | Hako Ramen | Holy Food House | Hot Doggern | Jambo | Josl | Kastanientörtchen | L2 | Love in another language | Nora's Garden | Milja & Schäfa | Ramen X Ramen | Rosa Canina | Vabali | Wahrhaft Nahrhaft | Zebrano

event photography:

25hours hotels | Airbnb | Berlinale | Bleech_ | Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSJ) | | Edellauchs | Edition F | einhorn products | Emotion |  HBO | Heldenmarkt | Herrengedeck – der Podcast | Hey Woman! | Lieblingsnanny | Miss Germany | Mit Vergnügen | MoschusMusic | Project Hype | Rolemodels Podcast | She's Mercedes | The Purposeway | Veggieworld

tour and/or press photos of:

Ankathie Koi | Balbina | Carina Lindmeier Illustration | Caspian | Christian Ritter | Cook Strummer | Gio Jade | Google Germany | Granada | Junius | Leslie Clio | Maximilian Mogg | Mynth | Nathan Gray | Nelio | Nihils | Onk Lou | Ro Bergman | Rolemodels Podcast | Simon Lewis | Turbobier | Zunder

festival photography:

Ahoi! The Full Hit of Summer | Free Tree Open Air | Fusion | Kosmonaut Festival | Melt! Festival | MS Dockville | Pop Kultur Festival | Peace x Peace Festival | Primavera Sound Barcelona |  Red Bull Music